Our intent is that our children will adopt the gospel values as their personal values and that these in turn will inform their lifelong choices and actions with regards to their: Health and wellbeing; relationships and living in the wider world.
The Gospel Values provide the structure and sustenance for our school as a living Christian Community which works in partnership with parents, the Parish and the wider community to recognise the uniqueness of each member of our school and to provide an education that fully develops their personal, social, health, moral, cultural, spiritual and economic gifts and talents. Our mission statement “Living, Loving and Learning in Jesus” underpins all that we do as we develop an environment which prepares our children for the next stage in their lives. Helping them to develop into loving, forgiving, responsible and self respecting adults who work actively as global citizens.

Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) states that all children have the right to:

● be listened to
● express their opinion
● be taken seriously
● be given information to make good decisions
● be involved in decision making.

PSHE is primarily taught through the My Life scheme of work on a weekly basis. The curriculum is split into three core themes of: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. Children record their thoughts and ideas in a reflective way through journaling.

Teaching about love and sexual relationships (RSHE) in a Catholic school is rooted in the Catholic Church’s teaching about what it is to be truly human in Christ and be presented within a positive framework of Christian virtue.

Our school teaches RSHE using The Journey of Love programme of study, which has recently been updated to reflect the changes in the new DfE statutory guidance. This programme is approved and recommended by the Archdiocese of Liverpool and follows the guidelines set out by the Catholic Church and is based on three core themes;

● Social and Emotional
● Physical
● Spiritual

Other subjects such as: Computing, Science, PE as well as School Assemblies and Collective Worships also cover aspects of PSHE/RSHE.

In our lessons we expect to see children: talk about prior learning, discussions being held, a chance to listen to others and time to reflect.

Wider Opportunities

School Council and Live Simply
Our curriculum is organised so as to enable our children to explore local and world issues around sustainable development, and its potential impact on the economy and the environment, and to develop their perception and understanding of themselves as global citizens.

Our School and Live Simply councils ensure that these values are reflected in our actions as a school community and are the drivers behind eco friendly initiatives such as water & energy conservation, recycling and waste reduction and increasing biodiversity within the school grounds.


Children starting in our school become a member of one of our four School Houses and remain in that House until they leave our school. Our House system supports our children’s PSHE and provides a focus which encourages our children to be good friends, to work hard and behave well and to make a positive contribution as citizens.

Visits and Visitors

We organise our curriculum so as to include visits and visitors which help promote our values and our children’s PSHE education.